[CalendarX-users] Question CalendarX: including new states for displaying events
Lupa Zurven
2007-09-29 13:12:57 UTC
Hi Alwin,
The quick answer is to use CalendarX 0.5 (DEV) branch instead of 0.6
(STABLE). Many users do use 0.5 instead because it has some advanced
features, and one of these is that there is a property sheet that lets
you list the event states that you want to allow access to (display) on
the calendar, and another property sheet that lets you list the event
states that you want to restrict, or specifically NOT display. So that
should work right out of the box.
That particular feature has not been migrated into the stable (0.6
branch) yet. However, if I get a couple more donors into the current
Fundable project to upgrade CalendarX for Plone 3.0, I may just add this
in, along with some of the other CalendarX DEV branch improvements. See
the recent archives of the Calendarx-users listserv for commentary on
that topic (or see the fundable project page here -
http://www.fundable.com/groupactions/groupaction.2007-09-05.1566756711 )
If you need to use CalendarX 0.6.6 but want to view the new states
for events, the easiest way will be to recode a couple of the Python
scripts to specifically include this 'intern' state. I believe that you
can do it all within two scripts:


use those two unless you are using the AdvancedQuery product of Dieter,
in which case there are two similarly named scripts that end with "AQ"
instead of "ZC".

In each script, you will find code down around lines 70-90 that handles
the "state" of events that will be displayed. Either use some logic
down there that smartly handles the new state, or simply add this line:


near the bottom of that portion of the pertinent lines, and that should
make your "intern" events show up.

ps. I cc'd this to the listserv, because it's a good question and now
it should be answered for the ages.
Hi Lupa.
I have create a new state in Plone, the state is called "intern" and I
need it for the event-type.
How can I show events with the new state "intern" in CalendarX?
Thanks and greetings from Germany