[CalendarX-users] Need help on how calenadarx searches for events
Mark Phillips
2007-01-20 23:30:44 UTC
I have made a custom event type based on Archetypes that has several extra
fields for sporting events. For example, league, division, home team, visitor
team, etc. I want to be able to filter these events on my calendarx. The
title of this object is a computed field that combines these new fields. For
(T-ball) Cubs v Red Sox @ Field 1 Umpire: Sam Spade

My thought is to replace the checkboxes on the subject line of calendarx with
three multi-select drop down boxes:
event-type (game, practice, tournament, etc.)
division (t-ball, farm, minors, majors, juniors, etc.)
team (cubs, red sox, diamondbacks, etc.)

The use case: The user has 2 sons - one on the cubs and one on the red sox.
The user wants to only display the games for the cubs in t-ball and red sox
in minors, and not see all the games being played in all divisions by all

I see in CX_props_macros where the checkboxes are created, so I think I can
convert these to a drop-down box. What I don't really understand is where
calendarx actually performs the search for the items selected in the
checkboxes. I think I have to change the way the search is performed in order
to display the correct events.

Can one of you calendarx experts help me locate in the code where the search
is done based on the selected checkbox entries in calendarx?

Also, if there is a better way to solve my problem, please let me know!

Mark Phillips
602 524-0376 cell
480 945-9197 fax