1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
<div bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000">
Thanks...I will give it a try.&nbsp; One more question for you.&nbsp; I have
Plone 2.5.5 right now with Zope 2.9.8 and when I tried to install the
most recent CalendarX (0.9.1 I think) I got some errors on install and
the product would not install.&nbsp; Here are the errors I got:<br>
<pre> failed:
Traceback (most recent call last):

File &quot;C:\Program Files\Plone 2\Data\Products\CMFQuickInstallerTool\QuickInstallerTool.py&quot;, line 330, in installProduct
res=install(portal, reinstall=reinstall)

File &quot;C:\Program Files\Plone 2\Zope\lib\python\Products\ExternalMethod\ExternalMethod.py&quot;, line 225, in __call__
try: return f(*args, **kw)

File &quot;C:\Program Files\Plone 2\Data\Products\CalendarX\Extensions\Install.py&quot;, line 137, in install

AttributeError: runAllImportStepsFromProfile</pre>
Does this mean that for Plone version 2.x I must use version 0.6.6?&nbsp;
Will I be able to upgrade with no problems to version 0.9.1 or greater
of CalendarX if I decide to upgrade my Plone to version 3.x at a later
date?&nbsp; I just wanted to make sure I understood how this will affect my
calendars in the future.<br>
If you want me to post this to the listserv so that you can respond
there I can do that as well.&nbsp; Also...is CalendarX still being actively
developed and updated?<br>
Thanks for the help and a great Plone product!<br><font color="#888888">
Keith</font><div class="Ih2E3d"><br>
Lupa Zurven wrote:
<blockquote type="cite">
<div dir="ltr">:-(&nbsp;&nbsp; Sorry Keith but the old <a href="http://calendarx.org" target="_blank">calendarx.org</a>
site went permanently under a while back, and i didn&#39;t bother to try
hard to resurrect it.&nbsp; There were a few helpful tips and tricks on the
site, but nothing we can&#39;t reconstruct easily enough.&nbsp; <br>
Specifically, you can modify the CX_props_popup property sheet to
change or display any of the default types of popup text.&nbsp; If you want
to add something other than these, you&#39;ll have to modify real code...
starting with the CX_props_macros file, changing the popuptextbox macro
in there (I&#39;m pretty sure that&#39;s its name).&nbsp; Then you have to make sure
that the data to fill this popup is actually available to the macro (in
short, available to the view template that is calling the macro).&nbsp;&nbsp; <br>
It&#39;s not terrifically hard, just a lot of code to wade through.&nbsp; See if
you can follow how the other popups get populated by the information
coming into the view template, and then come back to the listserv and
ask more detailed questions if you have some.&nbsp; And if you get it all
right the first time, maybe write up your findings and post it to the
listserv so we all can find it again via Google archives of the list.<br>


