[CalendarX-users] CalendarX port to 3.0 timing
Doug Way
2007-10-01 17:41:29 UTC
Hello. Looks like the Port CalendarX to 3.0 effort was successful.
Cool! I pitched in $50, plus I was the one who posted on plone-users a
few days ago... I figured I'm fairly new to the Plone community so I
have nothing to lose by begging a bit. ;-) I saw a couple hundred more
$ came in just after that post.

So... I guess now my question for Lupa is, how soon do you think we can
get an early version to try out on 3.0? Even something filled with bugs
and warnings would be OK.

I ask because I just signed up for a Plone hosting setup which came with
3.0 installed, and I need to at least get some sort of demo version of a
good calendaring tool (e.g. CalendarX) going in the next week or so. I
guess I may just have to install Plone 2.5.x and go with that, and then
I could switch back again to 3.0 in a month or so, but that doesn't
sound like any fun. :-)

- Doug Way
Detroit, MI
