[CalendarX-users] Workflow script and calendarx
Derek Richardson
2006-10-21 04:45:26 UTC
We're hoping to use calendarx on our site and have run into some
permission problems.

We have a custom workflow set up with the roles: owner, writer, reader,
authenticated, and anonymous. All content moves first into an "initial"
state. This state has an automatic script that runs that assigns the
creator (who, with pages and folders, is assigned the owner role
automatically by plone) writer and reader roles, as well. It works fine
with folders, pages, and files. (actually, there are two workflows, one
for folders and one for everything else, but they are identical in this

The weirdness with calendarx is that, if I examine the roles (via a
script) after a calendar is created by 'derek', I see:

(('', ('Owner', 'Writer', 'Reader')), ('derek', ('Owner',)))

for local roles. You'll note that the creator was empty, evidently, when
te script ran and that the creator post-script was evidently assigned
simply 'Owner'. Is this an what should be happening from a calendarx

We're seeing users unable to access their calendars after creation
because of a lack of permissions. I'm wondering if this is tied to the
wierd local roles tuple above or whether they're orthogonal?

Is there a place I can look to see how permissions affect calendarx? If
the answer is "read the source", a pointer is appreciated because I've
looked through what seemed most likely to be relevant without finding
what I'm looking for.


Derek Richardson
