[CalendarX-users] CalendarX
Lupa Zurven
2008-04-30 13:49:40 UTC

Short answer: I believe so. Try it and see.

Long answer: I released 0.6.6 during the early stages of 2.5.x
releases, and I have not tested it against 2.5.5 personally. However,
version 0.6.6 is downloaded about 10 times per day, and I have never
had anyone write to me to say "HEY, CALENDARX-0.6.6 DOESN'T WORK WITH
PLONE 2.5.5!! FIX IT!!!!" So I believe that it will work. The
Plone managers have been traditionally very very careful and very very
good at making incremental releases that fix bugs without breaking
third-party products, and I have no reason whatsoever to expect that
there are or will be any problems using 0.6.6 with this or any
subsequent revision of Plone 2.5.x. But I haven't tried it myself.

Let me know how it goes!
Is the version 0.6.6 (final release) of CalendarX product compatible
with Plone 2.5.5 (Zope 2.9) ?
Man thanks in advance four your help and best regards.