[CalendarX-users] CalendarX not showing any events
Adrian Kohan
2008-01-14 15:22:20 UTC

FOA, thanx for CalendarX! Great product!

IŽve just installed it on Plone 3. Seems to be working fine. Only problem:
doesnŽt show the events.

My site has events in different folders (we run projects, so we have one
folder per project, and many events in every one of these folders). I create
a CalendarX at the root folder, and it doesn’t show the events. After
playing with it for some time, I managed to get the events displayed, by
adding the public/private events switch. Unfortunately, I deleted the folder
to start from scratch and reproduce the solution, but I cannot get it to
work again.

I actually don’t need any kind of filtering, just all the site events
displayed in a CalendarX view. Any help would be appreciated.



Adrián Kohan

Director de Desarrollo Estratégico


<htt://www.FocosLatin.com.ar/> htt://www.FocosLatin.com.ar

+54 (11) 4373-2425 x21
