[CalendarX-users] [Announce] CalendarX... new release for Plone 3 compatibility
Lupa Zurven
2008-01-07 15:36:42 UTC
Hi Folks,
It's been two years since the last release of CalendarX... back
before Plone 2.5 was released. Now there's a first release of a new,
Archetypes based CalendarX that aims for Plone 3 compatibility,
If you've never used it, CalendarX is simply a nice viewer for
Plone Events. It's a folderish content object with several calendar
style views and lots of configurable options. It's fairly popular...
the last version has been downloaded an average of 10-15 times a day
for the past two years. It's available in several different language
translations too.
This is a development release... the first release of the Plone 3
compatibility branch. All the basic functionality appears to be
preserved, and no bugs are currently showing up, so I've put it out as
a tarball at Sourceforge or you can get it from svn at the
Collective. Addresses are:

1. https://sourceforge.net/projects/calendarx (download the newest
one, CalendarX-0.9.0.tar.gz)
2. svn co https://svn.plone.org/svn/collective/CalendarX/branches/plone-3-compatibility/

just add the /CalendarX folder to your /Products folder, restart, and
use the usual approach to installing and adding an instance on your
site. The Collective branch listed here (not the Trunk) is the
currently active development repository and I will attempt to keep it
clean and working even as I move forward.

Main Caveats:
1. No testing on other than Plone 3.0.4.
2. Minimal testing of functionality beyond the main choices, but no
bugs are showing up there.
3. No migration from old CalendarX to the new one. None. My advice
at this time is to start a new CalendarX instance on your Plone 3 site
and manually set the schema attributes to match the old ones that were
stored as property sheets on your old CalendarX instance. If you are
trying to migrate a Plone site up to Plone 3, then remove all your
CalendarX instances and the CalendarX product before you do, and after
your site migration to Plone 3 works, then add the new CalendarX
product (0.9.0) and manually set the new product attributes to match
your old ones... (always make backups. always make backups. and in
this case, print or otherwise record your old CalendarX settings so
that you can recreate them in your new CalendarX instance). Setting
up a new CalendarX with the old settings should only take a couple of
minutes, period. It's just not that complicated.
4. the /docs folder has been updated, but i've removed the old
documents for the properties that describe setting attributes on
property sheets. nearly all the attributes on the schema now have
documentation added in as descriptions... that's good enough for now.

1. Test and report bugs to me, please. Or post fixes to the /plone-3-
compatibility branch in the Collective, and still tell me :-)
2. Set the site to use another language and see if the CalendarX
translation is any good. If there's NOT a translation for a language
that you know, please add one for us! It's nearly trivial to do,
should only take an hour or two if you're fluent in any one of the
languages we offer. I'd love to have more .po files in the i18n
folder, even (eventually) ALL the languages supported by Plone itself.
3. Any suggestions at all will be appreciated. It's been a long time
since there was much discussion about CalendarX and I'm pleased to
have it on track to be updated and running nicely with Plone 3 and

and please let me hear from you if you try it and find problems or
just have comments. The CalendarX-users listserv at Sourceforge seems
to be swallowing messages (at least mine aren't going through right
now) so just email me (***@zurven.com) with questions and cc: calendarx-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Lupa Zurven, CalendarX.org
