[CalendarX-users] Problems with the day view in the calendar
Mark Phillips
2007-02-22 13:44:11 UTC
I created an event with the following start and end times:

start: Feb. 6, 2007 5:00 PM
end : Feb. 6, 2007 7:00 PM

These dates appear on the month view display correctly (as shown above). When
I go to the day view, the event is displayed correctly, but it is put in the
10:00 AM slot on the day view. In other words, I have an appointment at 10:00
that says the appointment starts at 5:00 PM!

One more weirdness - when I edit the event, the start time in the calendar
widget shows 10:00 am and the end time shows 12 pm.

When I look in the portal catalog for this object, it says:
start: 2007/02/06 17:00:00 GMT+0
end: 2007/02/06 19:00:00 GMT+0

My computer (Debian) has TZ set for America/Phoenix, and I have
TZ="America/Phoenix" in my runzope script.

Somehow, my event objects are getting set to GMT+0, but displayed as
America/Phoenix. However, the day view shows the events as GMT+0.

I am totally confused - anyone see this before or know how to fix it?


