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Houxun mehmeti
2007-09-21 14:05:17 UTC
Rum+or N,e*w_s_:

Oncol-.ogy M-e,d'. I+n.c . (O_TC: O-NCO) a Canc'er Treatm en+t S.olution.s Gro+up is s-a.i,d to h a-v'e
exp'erie'nced o.v,e'r a 10'00% inc-rea se in re,ven+ues f,o+r t,h'e fisca'l 3*r*d quar+ter e_nding J'u-l+y*,
2 0_0_7 co mpar*ed w_i*t*h t-h'e p,rior y-e a*r whi*le fis_cal f-ourth quart_er resu,lts f.o_r 2+0.0 7 a,r,e on

tr'ack to exc_eed t-h,i*s yearÂ’ s thir_d qu arter result's.

O-N.C O a.d*ditionally pla_ns to in+cr,ease serv,ice off*erin.gs wh*ich a'r*e cu*rrentl-y underw +ay.
DonÂ’-t w*a'i-t f+o_r t-h-e n.e w+s to c.o-m,e o-u-t a,n+d l_o,s e t_h+e oppor-+tunity to g*e+t in fron-t of the
g eneral invest,'ing pu*blic. O-nco'logy M e*d is in a m ultibill'ion doll_ar i'_ndustry w*h e r_e

t h*e*y a*r+e gainin-g mark+et shar e rapidly .

C,a.l'l y-o,u r b roker n-o_w f-o,r O*N C,O .
