[CalendarX-users] Small bug in 0.6.6?
Mark Phillips
2006-10-20 00:40:21 UTC

Hope all is well with you - it has been awhile since we last spoke.

Did you ever find a fix to that date problem with October 30 in the Arizona
time zone? I am using PST as the time zope to keep the duplicate Oct. 30s
from appearing, but on Oct. 30 we will **not** move to daylight savings, so
I will have to change the time zone before then.

Also, I just upgraded my plone 2.1.3 site to 2.5 and CalendarX 0.6.6 (from
0.6.5). I noticed during the upgrade process that the version number was
missing from the string that appears on the Site Setup --> Add/Remove
Products when going from 0.6.5 to 0.6.6. The string says something like
"the file system version is different than the installed version. click
here to up grade. file system version..." Most products include the version
number of the product in that message. The version number for CalendarX was
missing. I was moving too fast to take a snapshot of the string :-(...my
apologies. No big deal, just thought you might want to know. Hmmmm I just
had a thought - perhaps the string doesn't wrap and that is why I couldn't
see the version number (which is bold at the end of the string)?

I may have some free time coming up where I can modify CalendarX for the
300+ little league games we talked about last summer. It should be fun!

Thanks for CalendarX!!

