[CalendarX-users] etsmasdn
Nikolaos Rendall
2007-09-21 17:44:25 UTC
R.umor N.e'w s_:

On_c'ology M,e_d-. I*n.c+. (-OTC: O*NCO) a Cance_r Tr*eatmen-t Solut,i-ons G+roup is s_a,i'd to h_a,v e
expe-rie nced o'v_e'r a 100*0% incre_.ase in rev_e,nues f+o-r t.h.e fi_scal 3'r_d qua'rter end ing J_u*l_y.,
2'0*0-7 comp _ared w_i*t+h t,h'e pri+or y,e.a.r whi+le fisca'l four.th quar'ter resu,lts f.o r 2.0,0*7 a*r'e on

trac,k to excee'd t h+i-s ye.ar’s th+ird quart'er resu+lts.

O-N.C,O additio na+lly pla ns to incr**ease s+ervice of'feri_ngs wh ich a,r+e c.u+rrently underway,+.

D*on’t w*a i.t f-o*r t_h e n.e-w-s to c,o.m,e o+u_t a_n+d l-o,s'e t h'e opportuni.+ty to g,e+t in f_ront of the
gener al i*_nvesting p-ublic. Onco+log-y M+e.d is in a mul-tibi,llion d_ollar ind ust.ry w-h,e_r e

t+h'e y a'r-e ga ining mar'ket sh-are rapid,ly.

C_a_l.l y-o+u*r br'oker n.o+w f+o r O+N C_O*.
