[CalendarX-users] CalendarX doubled month
2006-09-07 17:13:18 UTC
Hi Lupa,
Great product. We've setup CalendarX and it works great except on the
month view, the entire page displays twice (vertically). Not just the
calendar, but all the html of the page. For all the other views (day,
week, etc), the page displays as expected.
Have you ever heard of a bug like this?
Plone: 2.1.2
CalendarX: 0.6.6
thanx much!
Philip Crawford
Hi Phillip,
I have never heard of such a bug. Ever. Sounds almost like your
templates got screwed up and there is a multimonth view template set for
two months being used in place of the month view... no, no that would show
Sept and October, not Sept and Sept!

1. Download a fresh copy of 0.6.6 CalendarX.
2. Put that into your site, restart Zope, see if its still a problem. Oh,
and make sure you don't have any customized views (like month.pt) left over.
3. Another test might be to create a new, fresh Plone instance with a new,
fresh CalendarX instance inside, and see if that has the problem too... if
not, then some change in your site must be causing the problem (I think).

If after all this it still misbehaves, and you have it on a live site
that I can see, I'd like seeing it (send a URL).
