[CalendarX-users] CalendarX on Plone 3.0
Lupa Zurven
2007-08-22 16:00:35 UTC
Hello Eggert,
Without financial support unfortunately, I cannot at this time
afford to rewrite CalendarX for Plone 3.0. I've recently quit my old
job teaching and am eking out a living programming and consulting and
I'm off to a slow start financially.
I'll post this answer to the CalendarX listserv and see if there's
any groundswell of interest in creating a ToDo list and support for
paying me to get CalendarX back into shape for moving into the future
with Plone. It will take at least several thousand USD to allow me to
afford the time/effort that it will take. But perhaps there is interest
in starting something in Fundable (or other) toward this end.
Thoughts, anyone?

Lupa Zurven, CalendarX
I use CalendarX successful on Plone 2.5.3, FYI. Are there any plans to
upgrade it for Plone 3.0? I got the installer working, but I cannot
create instances of the calendar, and starting an old instance (created
Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 110, in publish
Module ZPublisher.BaseRequest, line 455, in traverse
Module ZPublisher.BaseRequest, line 155, in browserDefault
Module Products.CMFPlone.PloneFolder, line 300, in __browser_default__
Module Products.CMFPlone.PloneTool, line 887, in browserDefault
AttributeError: Failed to get a default page or view_action for <bound
method CalendarXFolder.absolute_url of <CalendarXFolder at
Can you give me any hints?
David Diskin
2007-08-22 16:29:43 UTC
I would be willing to contribute. If all the users contribute $100,
would that do it?

Post by Lupa Zurven
Hello Eggert,
Without financial support unfortunately, I cannot at this time
afford to rewrite CalendarX for Plone 3.0. I've recently quit my old
job teaching and am eking out a living programming and consulting and
I'm off to a slow start financially.
I'll post this answer to the CalendarX listserv and see if there's
any groundswell of interest in creating a ToDo list and support for
paying me to get CalendarX back into shape for moving into the future
with Plone. It will take at least several thousand USD to allow me to
afford the time/effort that it will take. But perhaps there is interest
in starting something in Fundable (or other) toward this end.
Thoughts, anyone?
Lupa Zurven, CalendarX
I use CalendarX successful on Plone 2.5.3, FYI. Are there any
plans to
upgrade it for Plone 3.0? I got the installer working, but I cannot
create instances of the calendar, and starting an old instance (created
Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 110, in publish
Module ZPublisher.BaseRequest, line 455, in traverse
Module ZPublisher.BaseRequest, line 155, in browserDefault
Module Products.CMFPlone.PloneFolder, line 300, in
Module Products.CMFPlone.PloneTool, line 887, in browserDefault
AttributeError: Failed to get a default page or view_action for <bound
method CalendarXFolder.absolute_url of <CalendarXFolder at
Can you give me any hints?
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CalendarX-users mailing list
David Diskin, ***@verizon.net
galen pewtherer
2007-08-22 17:07:14 UTC
I can kick in $100 as well.

Post by David Diskin
I would be willing to contribute. If all the users contribute $100,
would that do it?
Post by Lupa Zurven
Hello Eggert,
Without financial support unfortunately, I cannot at this time
afford to rewrite CalendarX for Plone 3.0. I've recently quit my old
job teaching and am eking out a living programming and consulting and
I'm off to a slow start financially.
I'll post this answer to the CalendarX listserv and see if there's
any groundswell of interest in creating a ToDo list and support for
paying me to get CalendarX back into shape for moving into the future
with Plone. It will take at least several thousand USD to allow me to
afford the time/effort that it will take. But perhaps there is interest
in starting something in Fundable (or other) toward this end.
Thoughts, anyone?
Lupa Zurven, CalendarX
I use CalendarX successful on Plone 2.5.3, FYI. Are there any plans to
upgrade it for Plone 3.0? I got the installer working, but I cannot
create instances of the calendar, and starting an old instance (created
Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 110, in publish
Module ZPublisher.BaseRequest, line 455, in traverse
Module ZPublisher.BaseRequest, line 155, in browserDefault
Module Products.CMFPlone.PloneFolder, line 300, in
Module Products.CMFPlone.PloneTool, line 887, in browserDefault
AttributeError: Failed to get a default page or view_action for <bound
method CalendarXFolder.absolute_url of <CalendarXFolder at
Can you give me any hints?
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CalendarX-users mailing list
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CalendarX-users mailing list
Lupa Zurven
2007-08-23 14:04:56 UTC
CalendarX users!
Thank you for the very quick show of ongoing support (esp longtime
list friends David, Galen, Rajesh). Ok, well, let's try this then.
First tell the listserv what you/we most want in a new CalendarX
release. We'll make a master list of what's most important, down to
least important, and plausible as well. I'll start a Fundable project
for the first functionality, which should be Plone 3.0 compatibility and
updating relevant documentation. Then if that works, perhaps we can
start a second Fundable and get even more done.

CalendarX ToDos:
1. Make CalendarX functional in Plone 3.0
2. Update CalendarX docs accordingly

New CalendarX functionality:
3. Add more translations (I have a couple waiting to be included as part
of the tarball... any more out there, anyone?)
4. (fill in blanks)

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2007 9:01 AM
Subject: Re: [CalendarX-users] CalendarX on Plone 3.0
Hello Eggert,
Without financial support unfortunately, I cannot at this time
afford to rewrite CalendarX for Plone 3.0. I've recently quit my old
job teaching and am eking out a living programming and consulting and
I'm off to a slow start financially.
I'll post this answer to the CalendarX listserv and see if there's
any groundswell of interest in creating a ToDo list and support for
paying me to get CalendarX back into shape for moving into the future
with Plone. It will take at least several thousand USD to allow me to
afford the time/effort that it will take. But perhaps there is interest
in starting something in Fundable (or other) toward this end.
Thoughts, anyone?
Lupa Zurven, CalendarX
I use CalendarX successful on Plone 2.5.3, FYI. Are there any plans to
upgrade it for Plone 3.0? I got the installer working, but I cannot
create instances of the calendar, and starting an old instance
Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 110, in publish
Module ZPublisher.BaseRequest, line 455, in traverse
Module ZPublisher.BaseRequest, line 155, in browserDefault
Module Products.CMFPlone.PloneFolder, line 300, in
Module Products.CMFPlone.PloneTool, line 887, in browserDefault
AttributeError: Failed to get a default page or view_action for <bound
method CalendarXFolder.absolute_url of <CalendarXFolder at
Can you give me any hints?
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CalendarX-users mailing list
galen pewtherer
2007-08-23 14:34:30 UTC
Many thanks!
One thing I'd really like to see is the ability to add a new event by
clicking on the date in the calendar (I believe this is available in 0.5 but
not later versions?)

Post by Lupa Zurven
CalendarX users!
Thank you for the very quick show of ongoing support (esp longtime
list friends David, Galen, Rajesh). Ok, well, let's try this then.
First tell the listserv what you/we most want in a new CalendarX
release. We'll make a master list of what's most important, down to
least important, and plausible as well. I'll start a Fundable project
for the first functionality, which should be Plone 3.0 compatibility and
updating relevant documentation. Then if that works, perhaps we can
start a second Fundable and get even more done.
1. Make CalendarX functional in Plone 3.0
2. Update CalendarX docs accordingly
3. Add more translations (I have a couple waiting to be included as part
of the tarball... any more out there, anyone?)
4. (fill in blanks)
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2007 9:01 AM
Subject: Re: [CalendarX-users] CalendarX on Plone 3.0
Hello Eggert,
Without financial support unfortunately, I cannot at this time
afford to rewrite CalendarX for Plone 3.0. I've recently quit my old
job teaching and am eking out a living programming and consulting and
I'm off to a slow start financially.
I'll post this answer to the CalendarX listserv and see if there's
any groundswell of interest in creating a ToDo list and support for
paying me to get CalendarX back into shape for moving into the future
with Plone. It will take at least several thousand USD to allow me to
afford the time/effort that it will take. But perhaps there is interest
in starting something in Fundable (or other) toward this end.
Thoughts, anyone?
Lupa Zurven, CalendarX
I use CalendarX successful on Plone 2.5.3, FYI. Are there any plans to
upgrade it for Plone 3.0? I got the installer working, but I cannot
create instances of the calendar, and starting an old instance
Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 110, in publish
Module ZPublisher.BaseRequest, line 455, in traverse
Module ZPublisher.BaseRequest, line 155, in browserDefault
Module Products.CMFPlone.PloneFolder, line 300, in
Module Products.CMFPlone.PloneTool, line 887, in browserDefault
AttributeError: Failed to get a default page or view_action for <bound
method CalendarXFolder.absolute_url of <CalendarXFolder at
Can you give me any hints?
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CalendarX-users mailing list
This SF.net email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc.
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CalendarX-users mailing list
Darci Hanning
2007-09-05 16:05:15 UTC
Did the fundable project get set up?

Post by Lupa Zurven
CalendarX users!
Thank you for the very quick show of ongoing support (esp longtime
list friends David, Galen, Rajesh). Ok, well, let's try this then.
First tell the listserv what you/we most want in a new CalendarX
release. We'll make a master list of what's most important, down to
least important, and plausible as well. I'll start a Fundable project
for the first functionality, which should be Plone 3.0 compatibility and
updating relevant documentation. Then if that works, perhaps we can
start a second Fundable and get even more done.
George Lee
2007-09-05 17:44:17 UTC

Here's my advocacy:

With Plone4ArtistsCalendar and dateable, I've asked myself a few times
recently, "Are those where energy needs to go instead?" and wondering
if people developing those projects are thinking, "CalendarX was
useful but not the right product to bring into Plone 3.0." Some of
the templates, etc. from those products builds on CalendarX work from
before and has already brought it into the next generation, I think.

I think to address this issue, it's important to ask what the role of
CalendarX can be compared to these. Ideally CalendarX will use some
common standard code (I think dateable has good code for how months
get broken into weeks, etc.) and plug into it in a simple way -- but I
think any solid move to Plone 3.0 means a major code overhaul.

A while ago I spent a weekend or two writing up a lot of code trying
to use Zope3 to control how calendars work, but it was ad hoc and
probably that behind-the-scenes technology is handled better by the
other products.

Instead, I think it makes the most sense to focus on a set of specific
use cases, code for them, and do it in a way where people can plug in
one use case or another without having to take the whole beast along
with it. For instance:
* Have a template that uses Zope3 to hook in styling and formatting
of different events (what about an event do we show? do we show some
events in a different color or with different CSS)
* The "Select only these event categories" header
* Resource booking
* Shading from beginning to end of an event

Right now the code is so complicated that it's hard to separate any
one of these things out.

I think then that the main questions to discuss now are: What are the
main things CalendarX brings? What do other products do among this
list? How can CalendarX implement other parts cleanly?

I'm not trying to dismiss CalendarX - I used it with a lot of love
with Plone 2.5, but trying to figure out how it could best move to
Plone 3.0. My worry is that a lot of folks working on other products
are thinking along the lines, "Forget about CalendarX," and that it'd
be most effective to figure out what CalendarX does well that the
others don't yet. My hunch is that other products could provide more
of the behind-the-scenes code while CalendarX allows for more flexible
templating and presentation to a few different uses cases.

I unfortunately don't have much time on my hands nowadays, but I'd be
willing to volunteer for a few small, concrete tasks, like creating
some Zope3 views and changing templates, or setting up a more standard
way of managing and customizing properties.

Post by Darci Hanning
Did the fundable project get set up?
Post by Lupa Zurven
CalendarX users!
Thank you for the very quick show of ongoing support (esp longtime
list friends David, Galen, Rajesh). Ok, well, let's try this then.
First tell the listserv what you/we most want in a new CalendarX
release. We'll make a master list of what's most important, down to
least important, and plausible as well. I'll start a Fundable project
for the first functionality, which should be Plone 3.0 compatibility and
updating relevant documentation. Then if that works, perhaps we can
start a second Fundable and get even more done.
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CalendarX-users mailing list
Lupa Zurven
2007-09-05 18:15:44 UTC
Folks, I'm grateful to you all.

Ok, here's the plan.

1. I've set up a Fundable project to make CalendarX fully functional on
Plone 3.0. Here's the link to that collection.


This project is SOLELY to get the existing CalendarX codebase functional
in Plone 3.0 and to get rid of any deprecated API calls. It is not to
refactor the entire codebase in a manner more Zope 3ish... that will come.

2. What comes next is more along the lines of what George just
proposed... rethinking, rededicating to bringing really up-to-date
calendaring into the Plone CMS future. George actually submitted to me
his code that attempts to recreate the CalendarX view templates in a
more Zope 3 view-ish way some months ago... I just have never had the
time to follow up. Phase Two should be that followup, along with
implementing the other features that people want most for a Plone
calendar app. Perhaps Phase Two will be to take the latest from
dateable, etc and add/rebuild CalendarX flexibility atop it. I don't
know yet! But I'd like to find out and go that direction.

A really good Plone calendar would have uses well beyond Plone, I've
long realized. I have implemented CalendarX as a standalone hosted
calendar (SAAS-style) for paying clients in the past... fortunately
their needs did not include recurrent events nor some of the other
things all modern calendar apps can do (except CalendarX). Imagine a
Plone-based calendar that DID have all those modern features... having
Plone-based customizable 'event' content objects in the calendar would
make it immediately more powerful than anything currently available in
the commercial market (Webevent, for example).

If you all have advice for me on how to build a decent open-source
business model around this, I'm game... I'd like to keep working in this
direction, but I have to put food into my mouth (and pay a few other
bills too). Meanwhile, let's get CalendarX back up and running on the
latest and greatest Plone.

+lupa+ Lupa Zurven, CalendarX.org
David Diskin
2007-09-05 21:17:21 UTC
Sounds like a great plan, Lupa. I forget to send my priority
requirements. These are: recurring events, and the functionality of
0.5.3 although I can probably live with the functionality of 0.6.x.
And, of course, compatibility with Plone 3.x and beyond. George
probably has the right idea for the long term - refactor to use the
latest zope 3 technologies.

Post by Lupa Zurven
Folks, I'm grateful to you all.
Ok, here's the plan.
1. I've set up a Fundable project to make CalendarX fully
functional on
Plone 3.0. Here's the link to that collection.
This project is SOLELY to get the existing CalendarX codebase
in Plone 3.0 and to get rid of any deprecated API calls. It is not to
refactor the entire codebase in a manner more Zope 3ish... that will come.
2. What comes next is more along the lines of what George just
proposed... rethinking, rededicating to bringing really up-to-date
calendaring into the Plone CMS future. George actually submitted to me
his code that attempts to recreate the CalendarX view templates in a
more Zope 3 view-ish way some months ago... I just have never had the
time to follow up. Phase Two should be that followup, along with
implementing the other features that people want most for a Plone
calendar app. Perhaps Phase Two will be to take the latest from
dateable, etc and add/rebuild CalendarX flexibility atop it. I don't
know yet! But I'd like to find out and go that direction.
A really good Plone calendar would have uses well beyond Plone, I've
long realized. I have implemented CalendarX as a standalone hosted
calendar (SAAS-style) for paying clients in the past... fortunately
their needs did not include recurrent events nor some of the other
things all modern calendar apps can do (except CalendarX). Imagine a
Plone-based calendar that DID have all those modern features... having
Plone-based customizable 'event' content objects in the calendar would
make it immediately more powerful than anything currently available in
the commercial market (Webevent, for example).
If you all have advice for me on how to build a decent open-source
business model around this, I'm game... I'd like to keep working in this
direction, but I have to put food into my mouth (and pay a few other
bills too). Meanwhile, let's get CalendarX back up and running on the
latest and greatest Plone.
+lupa+ Lupa Zurven, CalendarX.org
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CalendarX-users mailing list
David Diskin, ***@verizon.net
Lupa Zurven
2007-09-21 18:11:29 UTC
Dear all,
As you mostly all know there is a Fundable collection set up to help
get CalendarX up and running on Plone 3.0. We have a situation, and
need your help.

1. Current pledges are up to $340. One user has informed me of an
intention to give $400 more before the month end (collection end), and a
future donation of $500 (after the collection ends). Wow!

2. But that still leaves us a problem. I pleaded, but Fundable won't
extend the time for the collection to allow that extra $500 to count
toward it. So we can make it, or not.

3. However, Fundable has informed me that I can reduce the amount of the
collection, with the consent of the existing donors. So what I am going
to do is count on the future generosity of that donor, and ask Fundable
to reduce the current collection goal to $1500. Existing donors will be
asked to ratify that decision.

4. What that means... if we make the $1500 goal in the next week, I'll
get started. With the expected $400 gift coming soon, that means we
only really need donations of $760 in the next week to make it. A mere
~$110 per day for 7 days.

5. I can't do more than ask. If we make it, I'll do it. I've not
announced this collection anywhere else (like the plone-users list) and
will leave any additional pushing for more donors up to you. If you
know any significant CalendarX users, perhaps ask them to donate.

To all of you over the years who've donated time, money, code and
helpful comments over the years, thank you. Your community love has
been the best gift to me through this time, and I look forward to making
this effort.

Cheers, and keep an eye on the scoreboard at Fundable.org (
https://www.fundable.org/groupactions/groupaction.2007-09-05.1566756711 ).
George Lee
2007-09-24 05:19:03 UTC
I pitched in -- folks, help lend some support!

Post by Lupa Zurven
Dear all,
As you mostly all know there is a Fundable collection set up to help
get CalendarX up and running on Plone 3.0. We have a situation, and
need your help.
1. Current pledges are up to $340. One user has informed me of an
intention to give $400 more before the month end (collection end), and a
future donation of $500 (after the collection ends). Wow!
2. But that still leaves us a problem. I pleaded, but Fundable won't
extend the time for the collection to allow that extra $500 to count
toward it. So we can make it, or not.
3. However, Fundable has informed me that I can reduce the amount of the
collection, with the consent of the existing donors. So what I am going
to do is count on the future generosity of that donor, and ask Fundable
to reduce the current collection goal to $1500. Existing donors will be
asked to ratify that decision.
4. What that means... if we make the $1500 goal in the next week, I'll
get started. With the expected $400 gift coming soon, that means we
only really need donations of $760 in the next week to make it. A mere
~$110 per day for 7 days.
5. I can't do more than ask. If we make it, I'll do it. I've not
announced this collection anywhere else (like the plone-users list) and
will leave any additional pushing for more donors up to you. If you
know any significant CalendarX users, perhaps ask them to donate.
To all of you over the years who've donated time, money, code and
helpful comments over the years, thank you. Your community love has
been the best gift to me through this time, and I look forward to making
this effort.
Cheers, and keep an eye on the scoreboard at Fundable.org (
https://www.fundable.org/groupactions/groupaction.2007-09-05.1566756711 ).
This SF.net email is sponsored by: Microsoft
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CalendarX-users mailing list
Lupa Zurven
2007-09-25 23:13:36 UTC
Y'all are wonderful, we're *almost* there... $950 pledged so far but the
rate of giving has increased a lot the past few days so the next few
days are key.

I said "y'all" up there because (1) it's fun to say it once in a while,
(2) I lived fourteen years in Kentucky and got used to hearing it down
there (I'm in Michigan now), (3) I'm a big fan of underdogs in all sorts
of competitions and the University of Kentucky football team has ALWAYS
been an underdog, but this year is undefeated so far and is making a
specialty of fourth quarter scoring comebacks to win. Last weekend UK
beat Arkansas by scoring 21 points in the fourth quarter (UK was even
behind early in the fourth). They've gotten their wins in the fourth
quarter a lot in recent games. I like that.

I've always felt this Fundable was a bit of a long shot, an underdog.
And now we're down to the fourth quarter and starting to make a
comeback. It feels good to me, I am humbled by your consideration, and
honored. Thank you, very much.

ps. Besides, with UK on a roll I don't have to associate with the U
Michigan Wolverines, the local team, who seem to have decided to become
underdogs this year instead of... whatever they almost were the last
couple of seasons.
Lupa Zurven
2007-09-21 18:21:31 UTC
One last update, I misspoke in my email of a few minutes ago, and
misunderstood the situation.

1. We have one week to make the goal, which will remain at $2000.
2. There is one significant donor waiting in the wings, but that gift
will be made before the end of the collection. I do not know the
precise amount of that donor's gift.
3. We have $1660 to go, as of now.

Again, as ever, my thanks. Sorry for the confusion.
Lupa Zurven
2007-09-28 22:37:10 UTC
Last call!

On Sunday at midnight EST (US Eastern Standard Time) the fundable
collection will close. Officially we are 3/4 of the way there, with
$1500 of the $2000 pledged. Not bad! In fact, great!

Unofficially, we have already reached the goal. Thanks to another
user/donor whose organization was unable to use the Fundable payment
plan, there is an additional check on its way to me for $500. Wow!

I have written to Fundable to let them know that if possible, I am
willing to accept the existing pledges at the $1500 level and undertake
the proposed development of CalendarX. However (big however) I am not
sure that Fundable will allow this. It may be that the Fundable
collection will expire without reaching the official goal, and all the
money will be refunded to each of you. I just don't know.

In short the only way we can guarantee to get the dispersal of funds in
a timely fashion is to finish the $2000 goal as planned by Sunday night.
Otherwise it *may* all expire in two days and refund you. Then we're
stuck with either restarting the collection with a lower goal of say
$1500, or perhaps asking you each to send me Paypal payments directly
(which would btw eliminate Fundable's 7% overhead fee, $140 in this case).

So, I have a better idea. If you were planning on making a pledge and
just hadn't gotten to it yet, please do so, now! At this point, if we
make it to the $2000 goal on Fundable, I'll have a total of $2500 and
will endeavor to add some of the much asked for additional functionality
to CalendarX as I upgrade it to meet Plone 3.0. So this becomes a
combination Upgrade/Improvement fund, rather than a just get it running
on 3.0.

The more the merrier! I'm ready to get started. Thanks for ALL your
support and words of encouragement and spreading the word far and wide
that help is needed. I've even had offers of code sharing with other
third-party Plone developers (in lieu of cash :-), and that's great too.
Let's get this done right now, send the CalendarX fund over the top
and we'll get this started ASAP.

Cheers! It's about beer:thirty where I'm living. Hope to get more "Your
Fundable.com collection has a new contributor!" messages in my email
even tonight!

+lupa+ zurven, CalendarX.org
Darci Hanning
2007-09-28 22:44:00 UTC
Just to clarify -- contributors have not yet actually *paid* anything -- we
will only need to pay IF the goal is reached (or Lupa is able to make other
arrangements). So we won't be *refunded* if it doesn't make but our
contributions will be "go through" once we do make it :)

Also, Jon Stahl blogged about the campaign on the Plone Blog after my blog
post and someone today posted to the plone-users mailing list. I'm very
hopeful that we'll make it! Way to go, everyone!!

Post by Lupa Zurven
It may be that the Fundable
collection will expire without reaching the official goal, and all the
money will be refunded to each of you. I just don't know.
galen pewtherer
2007-09-28 22:47:59 UTC
Excellent news Lupa!
Come on folks, I know you're out there (and yes, it's bit unfair that
only people who are on this list are being asked to pony up, but we're
on the list because we use CalendarX, right?)

If you have a couple of spare <dtml-var localCurrency> drop them into the fund!

Post by Lupa Zurven
Last call!
On Sunday at midnight EST (US Eastern Standard Time) the fundable
collection will close. Officially we are 3/4 of the way there, with
$1500 of the $2000 pledged. Not bad! In fact, great!
Unofficially, we have already reached the goal. Thanks to another
user/donor whose organization was unable to use the Fundable payment
plan, there is an additional check on its way to me for $500. Wow!
I have written to Fundable to let them know that if possible, I am
willing to accept the existing pledges at the $1500 level and undertake
the proposed development of CalendarX. However (big however) I am not
sure that Fundable will allow this. It may be that the Fundable
collection will expire without reaching the official goal, and all the
money will be refunded to each of you. I just don't know.
In short the only way we can guarantee to get the dispersal of funds in
a timely fashion is to finish the $2000 goal as planned by Sunday night.
Otherwise it *may* all expire in two days and refund you. Then we're
stuck with either restarting the collection with a lower goal of say
$1500, or perhaps asking you each to send me Paypal payments directly
(which would btw eliminate Fundable's 7% overhead fee, $140 in this case).
So, I have a better idea. If you were planning on making a pledge and
just hadn't gotten to it yet, please do so, now! At this point, if we
make it to the $2000 goal on Fundable, I'll have a total of $2500 and
will endeavor to add some of the much asked for additional functionality
to CalendarX as I upgrade it to meet Plone 3.0. So this becomes a
combination Upgrade/Improvement fund, rather than a just get it running
on 3.0.
The more the merrier! I'm ready to get started. Thanks for ALL your
support and words of encouragement and spreading the word far and wide
that help is needed. I've even had offers of code sharing with other
third-party Plone developers (in lieu of cash :-), and that's great too.
Let's get this done right now, send the CalendarX fund over the top
and we'll get this started ASAP.
Cheers! It's about beer:thirty where I'm living. Hope to get more "Your
Fundable.com collection has a new contributor!" messages in my email
even tonight!
+lupa+ zurven, CalendarX.org
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George Lee
2007-09-28 22:51:12 UTC
And the link is:



Post by galen pewtherer
Excellent news Lupa!
Come on folks, I know you're out there (and yes, it's bit unfair that
only people who are on this list are being asked to pony up, but we're
on the list because we use CalendarX, right?)
If you have a couple of spare <dtml-var localCurrency> drop them into the fund!
Post by Lupa Zurven
Last call!
On Sunday at midnight EST (US Eastern Standard Time) the fundable
collection will close. Officially we are 3/4 of the way there, with
$1500 of the $2000 pledged. Not bad! In fact, great!
Unofficially, we have already reached the goal. Thanks to another
user/donor whose organization was unable to use the Fundable payment
plan, there is an additional check on its way to me for $500. Wow!
I have written to Fundable to let them know that if possible, I am
willing to accept the existing pledges at the $1500 level and undertake
the proposed development of CalendarX. However (big however) I am not
sure that Fundable will allow this. It may be that the Fundable
collection will expire without reaching the official goal, and all the
money will be refunded to each of you. I just don't know.
In short the only way we can guarantee to get the dispersal of funds in
a timely fashion is to finish the $2000 goal as planned by Sunday night.
Otherwise it *may* all expire in two days and refund you. Then we're
stuck with either restarting the collection with a lower goal of say
$1500, or perhaps asking you each to send me Paypal payments directly
(which would btw eliminate Fundable's 7% overhead fee, $140 in this case).
So, I have a better idea. If you were planning on making a pledge and
just hadn't gotten to it yet, please do so, now! At this point, if we
make it to the $2000 goal on Fundable, I'll have a total of $2500 and
will endeavor to add some of the much asked for additional functionality
to CalendarX as I upgrade it to meet Plone 3.0. So this becomes a
combination Upgrade/Improvement fund, rather than a just get it running
on 3.0.
The more the merrier! I'm ready to get started. Thanks for ALL your
support and words of encouragement and spreading the word far and wide
that help is needed. I've even had offers of code sharing with other
third-party Plone developers (in lieu of cash :-), and that's great too.
Let's get this done right now, send the CalendarX fund over the top
and we'll get this started ASAP.
Cheers! It's about beer:thirty where I'm living. Hope to get more "Your
Fundable.com collection has a new contributor!" messages in my email
even tonight!
+lupa+ zurven, CalendarX.org
This SF.net email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
CalendarX-users mailing list
This SF.net email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
CalendarX-users mailing list
Lupa Zurven
2007-10-11 22:59:12 UTC
Hi Everybody,

There's a tiny slack in the workload at my new job, so I'm
working on CalendarX 0.9.0, the first Plone 3.0 release. So far
there has been the usual panoply of problems... getting the right dev
environment set up (settled for the Plone 3.0.1 installer on my new
iMac 20", first desktop computer i've purchased in years, and which I
really needed because i broke my laptop monitor two weeks ago and can
only use it through an external monitor, and... well, the success of
the Fundable project allowed me to get it! so now I have a shiny new
fast cool dev environment :-), etc.

So status:
1. FIX: Error free startup for Plone 3.0. After some wrestling
and rooting out the obvious deprecations and errors, I have CalendarX
modded in several places so that Plone 3.0 with CalendarX in the
Products folder now starts up without throwing any errors or
deprecation messages.
2. FIX: Error free installation from site setup on a fresh Plone
3.0 instance. However, a new deprecation message just showed up, so
I'll have to root that out and make more mods.
3. BROKE: Stuck -- I went to add a CalendarX instance in my Plone
root but CalendarX is not present on the dropdown list of contents!
So, there's some step that my Install.py isn't doing in the new way,
I suspect.

So, that's where I am so far. Besides my work (web app dev with very
non-ploney tools), it's very much harvest time in our organic gardens
(and cider pressing time on Friday nights, yum), my 14 year old
riding lawn mower just broke (I gotta order a part), and I just
became "dad" to a flock of 50 baby chicks that arrived at the post
office this morning. The chicks are on the back porch with lights
over their boxes keeping them warm and fluffy. Looking forward to
LOTS of eggs in the spring.

Finally, an incredible Thank You to all the generous investors in the
future of CalendarX, for your belief and support in me, and in the
open source process. Special, special thanks to those of you who've
written me over the years with thoughts and questions and suggestions
and code, and in many cases now with funding to me. I smile in
amazement at the whole process, and feel blessed.

Back to deprecation rooting for #2 and install (i think) puzzles for #3.
Mark Phillips
2007-10-12 01:57:29 UTC

Take a look at Martin Aspeli's new book - "Professional Plone
Development" - it is all about developing with Plone 3. It is available
from Pakt Publishing, and I am finding it useful.

Post by Lupa Zurven
Hi Everybody,
There's a tiny slack in the workload at my new job, so I'm
working on CalendarX 0.9.0, the first Plone 3.0 release. So far
there has been the usual panoply of problems... getting the right dev
environment set up (settled for the Plone 3.0.1 installer on my new
iMac 20", first desktop computer i've purchased in years, and which I
really needed because i broke my laptop monitor two weeks ago and can
only use it through an external monitor, and... well, the success of
the Fundable project allowed me to get it! so now I have a shiny new
fast cool dev environment :-), etc.
1. FIX: Error free startup for Plone 3.0. After some wrestling
and rooting out the obvious deprecations and errors, I have CalendarX
modded in several places so that Plone 3.0 with CalendarX in the
Products folder now starts up without throwing any errors or
deprecation messages.
2. FIX: Error free installation from site setup on a fresh Plone
3.0 instance. However, a new deprecation message just showed up, so
I'll have to root that out and make more mods.
3. BROKE: Stuck -- I went to add a CalendarX instance in my Plone
root but CalendarX is not present on the dropdown list of contents!
So, there's some step that my Install.py isn't doing in the new way,
I suspect.
So, that's where I am so far. Besides my work (web app dev with very
non-ploney tools), it's very much harvest time in our organic gardens
(and cider pressing time on Friday nights, yum), my 14 year old
riding lawn mower just broke (I gotta order a part), and I just
became "dad" to a flock of 50 baby chicks that arrived at the post
office this morning. The chicks are on the back porch with lights
over their boxes keeping them warm and fluffy. Looking forward to
LOTS of eggs in the spring.
Finally, an incredible Thank You to all the generous investors in the
future of CalendarX, for your belief and support in me, and in the
open source process. Special, special thanks to those of you who've
written me over the years with thoughts and questions and suggestions
and code, and in many cases now with funding to me. I smile in
amazement at the whole process, and feel blessed.
Back to deprecation rooting for #2 and install (i think) puzzles for #3.
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CalendarX-users mailing list
Lupa Zurven
2007-10-12 14:14:34 UTC
Post by Mark Phillips
Take a look at Martin Aspeli's new book - "Professional Plone
Development" - it is all about developing with Plone 3. It is
from Pakt Publishing, and I am finding it useful.
Glad to hear you like it. I had it in my shopping cart, but now have
paid for it and look forward to its arrival. Thanks for the

Lupa Zurven
2007-09-05 21:32:54 UTC
Hi Rajesh,

Yes, Fundable takes Paypal.

Yes, I will test that one can upgrade from 2.5 to 3.0 appropriately. At
the very least, one will be able to remove CalendarX, upgrade to 3.0,
and reinstall CalendarX and add comparable configuration options as were
available before. I'm really not sure how this will work yet... whether
I can/will even use the same old property sheets approach that I used
before. But I want users to lose neither functionality nor
look-and-feel losses in the upgrading.

Should be able to install on Plone 2.5 and then upgrade to Plone 3 without any data loss? Or should be able to upgrade to Plone 3 then upgrade calendarx. That's all i'm looking for. Does the fundable project accept paypal?
Rajesh Taneja
Scott Brown
2007-09-21 19:04:30 UTC
just chipped in - let's rock and get this funded
Post by Lupa Zurven
One last update, I misspoke in my email of a few minutes ago, and
misunderstood the situation.
1. We have one week to make the goal, which will remain at $2000.
2. There is one significant donor waiting in the wings, but that gift
will be made before the end of the collection. I do not know the
precise amount of that donor's gift.
3. We have $1660 to go, as of now.
Again, as ever, my thanks. Sorry for the confusion.
This SF.net email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
CalendarX-users mailing list
galen pewtherer
2007-09-21 20:49:38 UTC
Hear hear! (I've also chipped in, come on folks, if you use CalendarX
toss in a few bucks (or not-so-few if you can afford it).

Post by Scott Brown
just chipped in - let's rock and get this funded
Post by Lupa Zurven
One last update, I misspoke in my email of a few minutes ago, and
misunderstood the situation.
1. We have one week to make the goal, which will remain at $2000.
2. There is one significant donor waiting in the wings, but that gift
will be made before the end of the collection. I do not know the
precise amount of that donor's gift.
3. We have $1660 to go, as of now.
Again, as ever, my thanks. Sorry for the confusion.
This SF.net email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
CalendarX-users mailing list
This SF.net email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
CalendarX-users mailing list
Darci Hanning
2007-09-21 20:55:44 UTC
I've chipped in and blogged about the fundable campaign here

Post by galen pewtherer
Hear hear! (I've also chipped in, come on folks, if you use CalendarX
toss in a few bucks (or not-so-few if you can afford it).
Post by Scott Brown
just chipped in - let's rock and get this funded
Post by Lupa Zurven
One last update, I misspoke in my email of a few minutes ago, and
misunderstood the situation.
1. We have one week to make the goal, which will remain at $2000.
2. There is one significant donor waiting in the wings, but that gift
will be made before the end of the collection. I do not know the
precise amount of that donor's gift.
3. We have $1660 to go, as of now.
Again, as ever, my thanks. Sorry for the confusion.
Post by Scott Brown
Post by Lupa Zurven
This SF.net email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
CalendarX-users mailing list
Post by Scott Brown
This SF.net email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
CalendarX-users mailing list
This SF.net email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
CalendarX-users mailing list