[CalendarX-users] Plone 3 update?
Jim Nelson
2007-10-29 19:55:05 UTC
Just wondering how far along the porting for Plone 3 is - we've got a number of
sites we'd like to migrate.
Lupa Zurven
2007-11-02 03:33:44 UTC
Post by Jim Nelson
Just wondering how far along the porting for Plone 3 is - we've got a number of
sites we'd like to migrate.
Hi Gang,

Good question... I'll be brief. My initial approach was to try
running 0.6.6 CalendarX in Plone 3, find errors, patch errors,
repeat. That approach took me far enough to realize that it wasn't
going to get us where we want to be, not really.

Take 2: I bought optilude's new Plone book online, and am working
through it, with particular emphasis on how to redo CalendarX more
properly, especially regarding integration of appropriate Zope3
techniques. I am still committed to getting this done in an
expedient manner, but am not yet certain fully of all I have to learn
yet in order to get it working right.

Current state: Working on getting a basic Plone3-friendly product
running that I can then take forward as the foundation for the
CalendarX code.

Jim: I hope this helps... it's nothing like a timeline, but it's
where I am. I also am just starting another new job tomorrow (wish
me luck) but it feels like a better fit for me than the last one, and
a bit lower stress level too (ie., I will be able to make time for
CalendarX more freely soon).

