[CalendarX-users] How do I fix these errors?
Mark Phillips
2006-09-13 14:47:19 UTC
2006-09-12T13:10:41 INFO ZODB.Conflict database conflict error (oid 0x0964,
class BTrees._OOBTree.OOBTree, serial this txnstarted with
0x03682297e9081022 2006-09-12 20:07:54.616757, serial currently committed
0x0368229ab28d4422 2006-09-12 20:10:41.848083)
at /Heatwave/calendarx.2006-08-26.4119722781/month.css (5 conflicts, of
which 0 were unresolved, since startup at Thu Sep 7 22:12:25 2006)

Lupa - you seem to have created a small time warp generator with your code!
If I understand the error message, an object in the calendar had a time
stamp ***after*** the date the ZODB tried to save the object.

How can I make these errors go away?


2006-09-13 15:21:17 UTC
Post by Mark Phillips
2006-09-12T13:10:41 INFO ZODB.Conflict database conflict error (oid 0x0964,
class BTrees._OOBTree.OOBTree, serial this txnstarted with
0x03682297e9081022 2006-09-12 20:07:54.616757, serial currently committed
0x0368229ab28d4422 2006-09-12 20:10:41.848083)
at /Heatwave/calendarx.2006-08-26.4119722781/month.css (5 conflicts, of
which 0 were unresolved, since startup at Thu Sep 7 22:12:25 2006)
Lupa - you seem to have created a small time warp generator with your code!
If I understand the error message, an object in the calendar had a time
stamp ***after*** the date the ZODB tried to save the object.
How can I make these errors go away?
Dammit! The timewarpd daemon code never should have left the
holodeck! It's never been loose in the wild, must have been that temporal
discontinuity that whacked my server last week (or was that next week?). I
found an "Altair" sticker on the front of the box when I came in.

All seriousness aside, I've no idea. I've never had ZODB conflict errors
of any kind on my zope servers in the past 6 years of zoping, and certainly
not any related to CalendarX code (I've managed all my own servers the past
few years, and I'd know). Perhaps one of the high priests who dabble in
removal of evil spirits from inanimate objects can help you; I
unfortunately cannot.

