[CalendarX-users] Moving CalendarX to Plone Collective?
George Lee
2007-01-24 15:28:58 UTC

Two questions -- Lupa, are you still around? Haven't seen any e-mails
from you for a few months.

If you are -- what do you think about moving CalendarX to the Plone
Collective? I think that would go a long ways toward letting a lot of
eyes really delve into the code and bring CalendarX into the next
generation of Zope and Plone.

2007-01-24 17:34:55 UTC
Hi George, and everyone else,
I think it's a great idea. And to everyone, I'm sorry I've not been
as available as in the past, but my personal life has had a great deal of
turmoil to it of late... no details forthcoming but big changes are afoot
for me personally, professionally and financially, and hopefully by this
years midpoint or so all the rough parts will be behind me and I'll be able
to contribute more to CalendarX, as well as other Plone products.
Meanwhile, a move to the Collective sounds insanely great and could
mean that there are new CalendarX features and better design before I can
even get to be a part of it.
George, can you spearhead this? I'll do what I can to help you, but I
have little to contribute right now beyond the last release. I'll be happy
to update the website to point people to the new code repository once it is
set up and ready to go. I look forward to seeing your suggestions (and
code) moving into CalendarX asap.

Thanks everyone.
+lupa+ Lupa Zurven, CalendarX.org
Post by George Lee
Two questions -- Lupa, are you still around? Haven't seen any e-mails
from you for a few months.
If you are -- what do you think about moving CalendarX to the Plone
Collective? I think that would go a long ways toward letting a lot of
eyes really delve into the code and bring CalendarX into the next
generation of Zope and Plone.
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