[CalendarX-users] Creating subfolders and filtering content
Mike Seger
2007-04-24 21:03:23 UTC
I am still attempting to understand CalendarX and subcalendars. With a
master calendarx showing all published events for an entire
organization, I can follow the steps below to create a subcalendar
instance for each of the organizations respective sites. (14)

1. Create a CalendarX instance
2. Go to your personal user folder and create an Event, and publish
3. Go back to CalendarX and you should see your Event displayed.
Issue: How do I filter or restrict the subcalendar content to only
show the events for that particular site and not the entire
organization? Do I do this on the ZMI side or the Plone side? Where do
I begin?

"Out of the box, CalendarX will display any and all Events that it
finds that are published,
just like the portlet_calendar will"

2007-04-26 17:07:02 UTC
Oops, Hi Mike, I missed the listserv when i emailed you before. (missing
replies below)

I can't be sure right now about keywords, I'm not currently running
CalendarX on a Plone 2.5.x site and have to run out of town for a long
weekend so won't answer you very soon. Can anyone else on the list answer
Mike's question? TIA.
Thank you! Can I use the same approach in creating a subcalendar to show
only 'key words' such as Fine Arts. To show only events with this key word.
Hi Mike,
Sorry I couldn't get back to you sooner. In short, I think if you
work through the entire example in the CalendarX Manual carefully, you'll
figure this out. Each subcalendar can have its own set of configuration
files (property sheets). In fact, this is the way it is set up in the
It is the main one of these, CX_props_calendar, that you can use to
customize each subcalendar so that it only sees the events for that one
BUT... you have to set up those events so that they are easily
distinguished from each other. For example, if each organizations events
are stored in a separate folder, you can use the "listOfPaths" and
"restrictToThisListOfPaths" parameters to set each subcalendar to look ONLY
in a small list of calendars. Other options include making a different
Event Type for each organization (that's the example used in the Manual),
or you can use a unique subject for each organization (but that probably
won't work for you).
I'd say putting the events into unique folders is your best
approach. Indeed, if each organization is managed by a different user,
they may automatically be segregated into User folders that way.
Hope that helps.
+lupa+ Lupa Zurven, CalendarX.org
Post by Mike Seger
I am still attempting to understand CalendarX and subcalendars. With a
master calendarx showing all published events for an entire organization,
I can follow the steps below to create a subcalendar instance for each of
the organizations respective sites. (14)
1. Create a CalendarX instance
2. Go to your personal user folder and create an Event, and publish it.
3. Go back to CalendarX and you should see your Event displayed.
Issue: How do I filter or restrict the subcalendar content to only show
the events for that particular site and not the entire organization? Do I
do this on the ZMI side or the Plone side? Where do I begin?
"Out of the box, CalendarX will display any and all Events that it finds
that are published,
just like the portlet_calendar will"
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Post by Mike Seger
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