[CalendarX-users] October 29, 2006 Wierdness
Mark Phillips
2006-09-24 20:41:37 UTC

My CalendarX seems to have a slight stutter at the end of October. When
viewing the month view for October 2006, I have 2 October 29s - one on
Sunday and one on Monday. Monday should be October 30.

October 2006 Month View
Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat
29 29 30 31 1 2 3

If I move to the November 2006 view, the dates are correct - Monday shows up
as October 30.

November 2006 Month View
Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat
29 30 31 1 2 3 4

I do not have any events on these days (October 29 or 30). However, My
events for October 31 (Tuesday) and November 2 (Thursday) are shifted ahead
one day in the week when I use the October 2006 month view. My Tuesday,
October 31 events appear on Wednesday and my Thursday November 2 events
appear on Friday. The November month view shows the events on the correct
days of the week.

Any ideas on how to fix this? I am using CalendarX 0.6.6(stable) 2006-01-03
straight out of the box with no changes. I am running it on Plone 2.1.3,
Zope (Zope 2.8.8-final, python 2.3.5, linux2), Python 2.3.5 (#2, Sep 4 2005,
22:01:42) [GCC 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)], PIL 1.1.5

No problems with the end of September and the end of November, just October.

Oh, I get it; this is a Halloween trick.....so where do I get the
treat??? ;-)

2006-09-25 00:19:57 UTC
Post by Mark Phillips
My CalendarX seems to have a slight stutter at the end of October. When
viewing the month view for October 2006, I have 2 October 29s - one on
Sunday and one on Monday. Monday should be October 30.
October 2006 Month View
Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat
29 29 30 31 1 2 3
If I move to the November 2006 view, the dates are correct - Monday shows up
as October 30.
November 2006 Month View
Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat
29 30 31 1 2 3 4
I do not have any events on these days (October 29 or 30). However, My
events for October 31 (Tuesday) and November 2 (Thursday) are shifted ahead
one day in the week when I use the October 2006 month view. My Tuesday,
October 31 events appear on Wednesday and my Thursday November 2 events
appear on Friday. The November month view shows the events on the correct
days of the week.
Any ideas on how to fix this? I am using CalendarX 0.6.6(stable) 2006-01-03
straight out of the box with no changes. I am running it on Plone 2.1.3,
Zope (Zope 2.8.8-final, python 2.3.5, linux2), Python 2.3.5 (#2, Sep 4 2005,
22:01:42) [GCC 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)], PIL 1.1.5
No problems with the end of September and the end of November, just October.
Oh, I get it; this is a Halloween trick.....so where do I get the
treat??? ;-)
Fascinating, Mark!

No idea, that is definitely weirdness. Of course, there IS a Friday 13th
in October, so I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. Couple ideas....

1. Absolutely impossible, it can't be happening, you're halucinating, and
you didn't send a link to your site, so it must be YOU providing the trick
or treat tonight.

2. Still impossible. I can't imagine it. Send me a link.

3. Let's see if it works in MY calendarx instance. Go to CalendarX.org and
since there are no events yet posted in October, consider adding the same
events there that you have for October in your calendar, and see what
happens. I don't see any way that Events can cause the Behavior of the
calendar to change, but it's a start.

Ugh! I have no idea whatsoever. Anyone else see this? Sheesh!
2006-09-25 15:39:16 UTC
Interestinger and interestinger... I don't know offhand where this bug
arises, but bug it now is. I suspect it is in my code somewhere not
Zope's, and will try to scout it out soon as I can... urgh, busy week to
begin with, and now the dreaded Daylight savings time problems again....
why did I choose calendaring software to write, why, oh why?

A clue to fixing will be in the fact that it breaks for October but not for
November displaying the same dates. I will dive in, but the remainder of
today for me is all classes and work.

more soon :)
Arizona does not use Daylight savings time -i.e. we don't change our
clocks as
Pacific time does twice a year. We have enough daylight and sunshine in the
summer, and we don't want any more!! ;-) Mountain time also changes to
Daylight savings twice a year. I think that is why there is a separate
Arizona time.
Anyway, if I use Pacific time or Mountain Standard then the time shown
will be
wrong for 1/2 of the year.
The server is set up with Arizona time - no Daylight savings. Also, the
is used for other duties beyond the site, so the time needs to be correct (at
least more than 1/2 of the year!).
1. Set clock to PST
2. restarted zope and loaded the site - that fixed the problem!
However, the clocks will be wrong for 6 months starting in about a month.
Hmmmmmm, is there one place in the calendarx code that detects daylight
savings? Can it be easily disabled in my setup until the bug is squashed? Is
there a setting in zope that says "don't use daylight savings"?
P.S. My apologies for not sending the information about the site to you in my
first email. My first email was more of a "have you seen this before" in
order to start a conversation about the topic.
Now that I see it, I'm guessing that it may be a Fall Forward, Spring
Back -related Daylight Savings Time bug. Ack, I thought I got all those
taken care of back in the spring of 2005. How is your server set up to
handle dates and daylight savings time? How does Arizona do it? Would
there be any difficulty or problems with setting the server to use
Pacific time (you are in that area, right? not Mountain time?) instead of
I know that's not a good solution, but it would be a quick remedy.
Listening for your thoughts.
I didn't send a link because the site is private....but I will add you
as a
user and you can see it for yourself. The site is azheatwavesoftball.com.
will get an email with user name and password shortly.
I will play around with calendarx.org and let you know what happens.
Post by +lupa+
Post by Mark Phillips
My CalendarX seems to have a slight stutter at the end of October.
Post by +lupa+
Post by Mark Phillips
viewing the month view for October 2006, I have 2 October 29s - one on
Sunday and one on Monday. Monday should be October 30.
October 2006 Month View
Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat
29 29 30 31 1 2 3
If I move to the November 2006 view, the dates are correct - Monday
Post by +lupa+
Post by Mark Phillips
as October 30.
November 2006 Month View
Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat
29 30 31 1 2 3 4
I do not have any events on these days (October 29 or 30). However, My
events for October 31 (Tuesday) and November 2 (Thursday) are shifted
Post by +lupa+
Post by Mark Phillips
one day in the week when I use the October 2006 month view. My
Post by +lupa+
Post by Mark Phillips
October 31 events appear on Wednesday and my Thursday November 2
Post by +lupa+
Post by Mark Phillips
appear on Friday. The November month view shows the events on the
Post by +lupa+
Post by Mark Phillips
days of the week.
Any ideas on how to fix this? I am using CalendarX 0.6.6(stable)
Post by +lupa+
Post by Mark Phillips
straight out of the box with no changes. I am running it on Plone
Post by +lupa+
Post by Mark Phillips
Zope (Zope 2.8.8-final, python 2.3.5, linux2), Python 2.3.5 (#2, Sep 4
Post by +lupa+
Post by Mark Phillips
22:01:42) [GCC 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)], PIL 1.1.5
No problems with the end of September and the end of November, just
Post by +lupa+
Post by Mark Phillips
Oh, I get it; this is a Halloween trick.....so where do I get the
treat??? ;-)
Fascinating, Mark!
No idea, that is definitely weirdness. Of course, there IS a Friday
Post by +lupa+
in October, so I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. Couple ideas....
1. Absolutely impossible, it can't be happening, you're halucinating,
Post by +lupa+
you didn't send a link to your site, so it must be YOU providing the
Post by +lupa+
or treat tonight.
2. Still impossible. I can't imagine it. Send me a link.
3. Let's see if it works in MY calendarx instance. Go to
Post by +lupa+
since there are no events yet posted in October, consider adding the
Post by +lupa+
events there that you have for October in your calendar, and see what
happens. I don't see any way that Events can cause the Behavior of the
calendar to change, but it's a start.
Ugh! I have no idea whatsoever. Anyone else see this? Sheesh!
Mark Phillips
Phillips Marketing, Inc
602 524-0376
480 945-9197 fax
George Lee
2006-09-25 17:06:12 UTC
My guess would be a pretty simple bug where it's looking up the number
to display in the calendar by looking at what date "midnight" is, but
because of time zone and daylight savings time issues, that screws it
up. For instance on October 31 it probably ends up looking at 11:00 am
October 30 and displays October 30 instead.

Post by +lupa+
Interestinger and interestinger... I don't know offhand where this bug
arises, but bug it now is. I suspect it is in my code somewhere not
Zope's, and will try to scout it out soon as I can... urgh, busy week to
begin with, and now the dreaded Daylight savings time problems again....
why did I choose calendaring software to write, why, oh why?
A clue to fixing will be in the fact that it breaks for October but not for
November displaying the same dates. I will dive in, but the remainder of
today for me is all classes and work.
more soon :)
Arizona does not use Daylight savings time -i.e. we don't change our
clocks as
Pacific time does twice a year. We have enough daylight and sunshine in the
summer, and we don't want any more!! ;-) Mountain time also changes to
Daylight savings twice a year. I think that is why there is a separate
Arizona time.
Anyway, if I use Pacific time or Mountain Standard then the time shown
will be
wrong for 1/2 of the year.
The server is set up with Arizona time - no Daylight savings. Also, the
is used for other duties beyond the site, so the time needs to be correct (at
least more than 1/2 of the year!).
1. Set clock to PST
2. restarted zope and loaded the site - that fixed the problem!
However, the clocks will be wrong for 6 months starting in about a month.
Hmmmmmm, is there one place in the calendarx code that detects daylight
savings? Can it be easily disabled in my setup until the bug is squashed? Is
there a setting in zope that says "don't use daylight savings"?
P.S. My apologies for not sending the information about the site to you in my
first email. My first email was more of a "have you seen this before" in
order to start a conversation about the topic.
Now that I see it, I'm guessing that it may be a Fall Forward, Spring
Back -related Daylight Savings Time bug. Ack, I thought I got all those
taken care of back in the spring of 2005. How is your server set up to
handle dates and daylight savings time? How does Arizona do it? Would
there be any difficulty or problems with setting the server to use
Pacific time (you are in that area, right? not Mountain time?) instead of
I know that's not a good solution, but it would be a quick remedy.
Listening for your thoughts.
I didn't send a link because the site is private....but I will add you
as a
user and you can see it for yourself. The site is azheatwavesoftball.com.
will get an email with user name and password shortly.
I will play around with calendarx.org and let you know what happens.
Post by +lupa+
Post by Mark Phillips
My CalendarX seems to have a slight stutter at the end of October.
Post by +lupa+
Post by Mark Phillips
viewing the month view for October 2006, I have 2 October 29s - one on
Sunday and one on Monday. Monday should be October 30.
October 2006 Month View
Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat
29 29 30 31 1 2 3
If I move to the November 2006 view, the dates are correct - Monday
Post by +lupa+
Post by Mark Phillips
as October 30.
November 2006 Month View
Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat
29 30 31 1 2 3 4
I do not have any events on these days (October 29 or 30). However, My
events for October 31 (Tuesday) and November 2 (Thursday) are shifted
Post by +lupa+
Post by Mark Phillips
one day in the week when I use the October 2006 month view. My
Post by +lupa+
Post by Mark Phillips
October 31 events appear on Wednesday and my Thursday November 2
Post by +lupa+
Post by Mark Phillips
appear on Friday. The November month view shows the events on the
Post by +lupa+
Post by Mark Phillips
days of the week.
Any ideas on how to fix this? I am using CalendarX 0.6.6(stable)
Post by +lupa+
Post by Mark Phillips
straight out of the box with no changes. I am running it on Plone
Post by +lupa+
Post by Mark Phillips
Zope (Zope 2.8.8-final, python 2.3.5, linux2), Python 2.3.5 (#2, Sep 4
Post by +lupa+
Post by Mark Phillips
22:01:42) [GCC 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)], PIL 1.1.5
No problems with the end of September and the end of November, just
Post by +lupa+
Post by Mark Phillips
Oh, I get it; this is a Halloween trick.....so where do I get the
treat??? ;-)
Fascinating, Mark!
No idea, that is definitely weirdness. Of course, there IS a Friday
Post by +lupa+
in October, so I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. Couple ideas....
1. Absolutely impossible, it can't be happening, you're halucinating,
Post by +lupa+
you didn't send a link to your site, so it must be YOU providing the
Post by +lupa+
or treat tonight.
2. Still impossible. I can't imagine it. Send me a link.
3. Let's see if it works in MY calendarx instance. Go to
Post by +lupa+
since there are no events yet posted in October, consider adding the
Post by +lupa+
events there that you have for October in your calendar, and see what
happens. I don't see any way that Events can cause the Behavior of the
calendar to change, but it's a start.
Ugh! I have no idea whatsoever. Anyone else see this? Sheesh!
Mark Phillips
Phillips Marketing, Inc
602 524-0376
480 945-9197 fax
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