[CalendarX-users] Other Calendar Products
George Lee
2006-11-19 05:09:22 UTC
For Nate and other folks -- with Plone4ArtistsCalendar, Calendaring, etc. --

Where are calendars in Plone moving in general, esp. re: Zope3 + Five?

Want to make sure there's no pointless duplication of work! Since CalendarX
has grown somewhat beastly, I suspect some of the other products are cleaner
from the start and so might have big chunks that are further ahead. Or do
they serve different roles, etc.?

2006-12-18 17:41:54 UTC
Post by George Lee
For Nate and other folks -- with Plone4ArtistsCalendar, Calendaring, etc. --
Where are calendars in Plone moving in general, esp. re: Zope3 + Five?
Want to make sure there's no pointless duplication of work! Since
CalendarX has grown somewhat beastly, I suspect some of the other
products are cleaner from the start and so might have big chunks that
are further ahead. Or do they serve different roles, etc.?
I have suggested this as a topic at the SnowSprint. Cohesion in this
arena is really critical and has been lacking for some time.


