[CalendarX-users] CalendarX-0.9 -- more progress
Jim Biggs
2007-12-03 15:25:26 UTC

I've updated my previous email with my latest progress. CalendarX now shows
up in the "add new..." list inside the Plone-site.

I discovered the CalendarX "portal-type", while installed, was completely
blank. I manually edited the CalendarX type in portal_types using the same
field information that was automatically installed in my Plone-2.5.3 site.

However, when I select CalendarX in "add new...", I get the error message
"Insufficient Privileges".

I'm not sure how to debug this error.

Regards... Jim

***** Previously *****
My environment: Zope 2.10.5-final, python 2.4.4, linux2, Plone-3.0.3

I downloaded CalendarX-0.9 from the svn, and made the following changes to
make it Plone-3.0.3 compliant:

Change #1 to __index__.py

change statement:
from Products.CMFCore.DirectoryView import expandpath

from Products.CMFCore.utils import expandpath

Change #2 to CalendarXFolder.py

change statement:
from Products.CMFCore import CMFCorePermissions

from Products.CMFCore import permissions as CMFCorePermissions

1. After making these changes, CalendarX-0.9 installed in Zope and showed up
as an "installable" product in the Plone-site quickinstaller

2. CalendarX installs via quickinstaller and shows up as an "installed"
product. The "install log" follows:

Install log for CalendarX
Back to Add/Remove Products
* CalendarX
* CalendarX
2007-12-03 02:29:35
Successfully installed CalendarX.

3. Confirmed that the CalendarX skins folder and its contents are installed
inside Plone-site "skins" directory

4. CalendarX does NOT show up as a selection choice in the Plone-site "add
new..." drop down list

I hope this helps.

Regards... Jim
Lupa Zurven
2008-01-03 15:58:05 UTC
Hi Folks,

I'm sending this to a few of you I know have been waiting with baited
breath... I sent messages to the list the last couple days and only
just now realized that the list doesn't seem to be working, at least
for me. I'm cc'ing the list now, but I doubt it will go through that

I've had some success building on the /plone-3-compatibility branch in
the Collective. Right now you can download a copy of CalendarX 0.9.0
that largely works with Plone 3. There are rough edges, and one
significant bug, but I'm whittling them down.

Please try it out for me? Here are the details as of today, Jan 3:

1. Check a copy out of svn, something like this:

svn co https://svn.plone.org/svn/collective/CalendarX/branches/plone-3-compatibility/

Put it into your Plone 3.0.4 instance Products folder.

2. Restart your Zope and it should work, more or less. Specifically:
a. QuickInstall CalendarX via the Site Setup.
b. Add an instance of CalendarX to your root folder or wherever
you want it.
c. Adjust the properties as you see fit... type '/edit' after the
id of your CalendarX instance to see them, if they aren't just showing
up (it may default to a view).
d. To actually see the calendar, type "/month" instead of "/view"
after the name of your calendarx instance. e.g. if you have named
your CalendarX instance "cal" you would type "/cal/month" and it
should show you the month view.
e. That's it!

3. There's some weak spots... like getting the default view to
redirect and show the month view (or whatever view you've chosen for
your defaultView ) properly. But it certainly looks like CalendarX
and acts like it once you're pointing to /month or whatever. All the
properties that formerly were in property sheets are now accessible
from the /edit page(s) as Archetypes schemata. Many of them you can
edit in place on the one sheet that lists ALL of them, but otherwise
go to each schema separately using the /cal/edit URL (where /cal is
your instance of CalendarX).

4. One bug I haven't yet fixed... the Subject bar isn't working. So
I've set the default for showSubjectBar property to False instead of
True. We get tuple out of range errors if you try to use the Subject
bar. I think this is a minor bug as far as fixability... something
that formerly was being set as a default isn't getting set now, or
something has changed in Plone 3 that now I need to test for data in
the tuple before I try to use it. Probably a one or two line fix...
but I haven't gotten it yet... in fact I just noticed it now.

Download, Test, Check in changes if you want, but let me know about
them please!
Happy New Year, and hope the list gets fixed soon... I'll try to
figure that out too.
Guy Heckman
2008-01-03 21:44:06 UTC

Sorry I didn't respond to you earlier (after our branch sprint here at
PSU), directly after the sprint I was busy working on improving the
performance of our Intranet, and then the University went on holiday
break . I see you found the results of the one day sprint in the
plone3-compatibility branch. The day was spent with mostly moving the
CalendarX props to an AT schema and getting that to install and display
in base_view. Eric Steele, Erik Rose, and Daryl Noye from WebLion
deserve special kudos.

Glad to see the base work we did helped.

- Guy
Post by Lupa Zurven
Hi Folks,
I'm sending this to a few of you I know have been waiting with baited
breath... I sent messages to the list the last couple days and only
just now realized that the list doesn't seem to be working, at least
for me. I'm cc'ing the list now, but I doubt it will go through that way.
I've had some success building on the /plone-3-compatibility branch in
the Collective. Right now you can download a copy of CalendarX 0.9.0
that largely works with Plone 3. There are rough edges, and one
significant bug, but I'm whittling them down.
co https://svn.plone.org/svn/collective/CalendarX/branches/plone-3-compatibility/
Put it into your Plone 3.0.4 instance Products folder.
a. QuickInstall CalendarX via the Site Setup.
b. Add an instance of CalendarX to your root folder or wherever you
want it.
c. Adjust the properties as you see fit... type '/edit' after the
id of your CalendarX instance to see them, if they aren't just showing
up (it may default to a view).
d. To actually see the calendar, type "/month" instead of "/view"
after the name of your calendarx instance. e.g. if you have named
your CalendarX instance "cal" you would type "/cal/month" and it
should show you the month view.
e. That's it!
3. There's some weak spots... like getting the default view to
redirect and show the month view (or whatever view you've chosen for
your defaultView ) properly. But it certainly looks like CalendarX
and acts like it once you're pointing to /month or whatever. All the
properties that formerly were in property sheets are now accessible
from the /edit page(s) as Archetypes schemata. Many of them you can
edit in place on the one sheet that lists ALL of them, but otherwise
go to each schema separately using the /cal/edit URL (where /cal is
your instance of CalendarX).
4. One bug I haven't yet fixed... the Subject bar isn't working. So
I've set the default for showSubjectBar property to False instead of
True. We get tuple out of range errors if you try to use the Subject
bar. I think this is a minor bug as far as fixability... something
that formerly was being set as a default isn't getting set now, or
something has changed in Plone 3 that now I need to test for data in
the tuple before I try to use it. Probably a one or two line fix...
but I haven't gotten it yet... in fact I just noticed it now.
Download, Test, Check in changes if you want, but let me know about
them please!
Happy New Year, and hope the list gets fixed soon... I'll try to
figure that out too.
Guy Heckman
Systems Design Specialist
Research, Instruction, and Information Technology (RIIT) Group
Smeal College of Business
The Pennsylvania State University

11 Business Building
University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-863-9819
Fax: 814-865-1845
