[CalendarX-users] Is the list still alive?
Mark Phillips
2006-08-31 23:06:03 UTC
I haven't seen a lot of activity on the list lately. Is it still alive?

My question: I am using v 0.6.6 and I have a list of Subjects that I can
filter the calendar's events. Is there a way to make a "sticky" event? By
that I mean an event that is displayed regardless of the subjects that have
been selected?


2006-09-01 00:17:05 UTC
I suppose there is... but I've never tried that. In short, I think I would
use a custom Archetypes event and give it an extra attribute like
"sticky". Then a couple small changes to the querying scripts should be
all it takes to make sure that if the sticky attribute is true, show the
sticky events. Probably requires only a few lines of code (one or two) in
each of several scripts.
ps. just a quiet list... i guess calendarx has become fairly mature: few
bugs in the stable release, works out of the box reasonably well,
documentation okay.
Post by Mark Phillips
I haven't seen a lot of activity on the list lately. Is it still alive?
My question: I am using v 0.6.6 and I have a list of Subjects that I can
filter the calendar's events. Is there a way to make a "sticky" event? By
that I mean an event that is displayed regardless of the subjects that have
been selected?
2006-09-01 15:06:51 UTC
Nice Johannes,
Yes, I think that might indeed work well, without need for a custom
Event type at all. Just need to figure out how to keep it from being
listed in the list of subjects... "This code is left as an exercise for the
My first idea is to create a special subject "Always" that is selected
(displayed) always, but doesn't show up in the list of subjects. Might an
even easier approach.
Post by +lupa+
bugs in the stable release, works out of the box reasonably well,
documentation okay.
+1 from me.