[CalendarX-users] view event in context after creation?
galen pewtherer
2006-09-05 00:52:36 UTC
i figure i'm missing something simple here, but i can't figure out how
to put a link on the portal_status_message page that will return the
user to the month view of the event that was just created or edited.

in case that's not clear, here's what i'm trying to have happen: a
user creates or edits an event that takes place two months in the
future, clicks the save button, and get's a page confirming that the
event has been saved or edited. i'd like to have a link on the page
that will take the user back to the month_view of the calendar that
shows her event, is there a way to do that?

2006-09-05 03:21:53 UTC
Hi Galen,
I'm not sure either, but it's not strictly a CalendarX issue, so you
might better ask on the Plone-users list. (Although someone here probably
knows better than I do.)
It's easy enough to figure out the URL for the calendar month view for
a certain month... so when you get a definitive answer for figuring out
what the event's date is when it is saved, then just use a script to turn
that into the URL that you want and put it into your customized event view
template as a link. Perhaps this is best handled in workflow... I just
don't know for sure, I only know my calendar :)

Post by galen pewtherer
i figure i'm missing something simple here, but i can't figure out how
to put a link on the portal_status_message page that will return the
user to the month view of the event that was just created or edited.
in case that's not clear, here's what i'm trying to have happen: a
user creates or edits an event that takes place two months in the
future, clicks the save button, and get's a page confirming that the
event has been saved or edited. i'd like to have a link on the page
that will take the user back to the month_view of the calendar that
shows her event, is there a way to do that?
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CalendarX-users mailing list
2006-09-05 08:22:18 UTC
Maybe something like

<a href="#"
tal:define="monthofevent python:'month?currentDate=' +
tal:attributes="href /path/to/my/calendar/monthofevent">
Jump to the calendar

could do the trick.


Good luck, Johannes
galen pewtherer
2006-09-07 18:13:55 UTC
many thanks, that showed me the right way to go. (see below for working code)

<a href="#"
tal:define="monthofevent python:'month?currentDate=' + here.start().Date()"
tal:attributes="href string:${portal_url}/community/calendarx/${monthofevent}">
Jump to the calendar
Post by D***@krankenhaus-kempen.de
Maybe something like
<a href="#"
tal:define="monthofevent python:'month?currentDate=' +
tal:attributes="href /path/to/my/calendar/monthofevent">
Jump to the calendar
could do the trick.
Good luck, Johannes
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CalendarX-users mailing list
2006-09-08 08:11:52 UTC
I'm glad that I could help. And thank you for sharing your working

Have fun, Johannes
