[CalendarX-users] CalendarX 0.9.x and Intranet/Extranet Workflow in Plone 3.0.6
Lupa Zurven
2008-04-28 16:09:15 UTC
Hello Stein Morten,

If you use the newest version in SVN, there is an explicit handler
to allow you to display any workflow state(s). The current tarball
version lacks this feature. I'll release a new tarball soon, but
meanwhile use the SVN version in the Collective.

Let me know if that does the trick for you.
and thanx for a fantastic product!
Been using the 0.6 version on Plone 2.5x with great success.
I seem not to be able to display events other than in the Private
(as I have configured CaledarX to do that in manage). The other states
fi internal and internally_published are not displayed. I§ve looked
some of the code, and see that the python code does not handle these
I've planned for extending the code for the "Intranet/Extranet
myself, but are a bit unsure at this moment on what would be
As I'm a bit under pressure here right now, I have not that much
time to research
this at length, so any hints would be greatly appreciated :-)
Or if anybody else have done this ...
On beforehand thank you.
Stein Morten
** Senior Systems Engineer, EDP dept Web site: www.ife.no **
** Institute for Energy Technology Tel: +47 63 80 60 00 **
** Box 40, N-2007 Kjeller, NORWAY Fax: +47 63 81 11 68 */
Lupa Zurven
2008-05-02 18:43:50 UTC

I will add this in, along with some other recent contributions, and
get a new release out soon. Thank you so much for the contribution,
and for the additional stimulus to get this new release out there soon!

Hi again, sorry for the spam-lite ...
I discovered a line missing translation, so here is the
complete file attached below.
Hi, thanx again for a very good product!
As the new site I'm working on is a norwegian language only, I've
created a norwegian translation.
In case you want to use this as a starting point for a norwegian
for CaledarX, I'll include it here.
Use it as you like, and even remove my name/email if need be...
Just make sure that new releases contain a norwegian translation :-)
On beforehand, Thank you!
Stein Morten
Post by Lupa Zurven
Hello Stein Morten,
If you use the newest version in SVN, there is an explicit
handler to allow you to display any workflow state(s). The current
tarball version lacks this feature. I'll release a new tarball
soon, but meanwhile use the SVN version in the Collective.
Let me know if that does the trick for you.
and thanx for a fantastic product!
Been using the 0.6 version on Plone 2.5x with great success.
I seem not to be able to display events other than in the Private
(as I have configured CaledarX to do that in manage). The other
fi internal and internally_published are not displayed. I§ve
looked through
some of the code, and see that the python code does not handle these
I've planned for extending the code for the "Intranet/Extranet
myself, but are a bit unsure at this moment on what would be
As I'm a bit under pressure here right now, I have not that much
time to research
this at length, so any hints would be greatly appreciated :-)
Or if anybody else have done this ...
On beforehand thank you.
Stein Morten
** Senior Systems Engineer, EDP dept Web site: www.ife.no **
** Institute for Energy Technology Tel: +47 63 80 60 00 **
** Box 40, N-2007 Kjeller, NORWAY Fax: +47 63 81 11 68 */